Monday, August 23, 2010

8/24/10 - How are you smart?

Today in class we will be discussing Multiple Intelligences and learning styles. I will share information via PowerPoint slides and discussion. Here are links to handouts from today:

PowerPoint presentation handout
"How are you smart?" survey
Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

PARENTS, please download the "How are you smart?" survey and complete it. Discuss your results with the results your child got on her/his survey. Knowing how you learn and how your child learns will help you understand how to better support your child's education. Look at the "Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom" handout to find some ways you can support your child's learning and study habits at home.

Here is one of the above handouts in embedded form:

HOMEWORK: Write a one-paragraph summary of the talk you have with your parents about your intelligences and your parent's intelligences. Write an additional paragraph telling me (your teacher) what your strongest intelligences are, and how you will use that knowledge to help you study for Social Studies. You may also mention your weakest intelligence and how you might bolster that area by using your stronger intelligences for support.

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